Why are talented people so sexy?
There are two kinds of sexy men in the world. The rich, powerful, daring and swaggy kind and simply the artistic. The rich and powerful hate the talented because they cannot be talented themselves and well the talented talk about the other non-materialistic aspects of life because they cannot be rich. All of us are hypocrites for sure whether we are anything else or not. Well everyone is sexy in his own way and I will tell you what’s so appealing about the talented and the artistic.
Any artist be it a musician, a painter, a dancer, an actor, a sculptor or anyone is born out of love. It requires serious dedication and attention and more than that effective commitment to the work. That’s why they are considered a bit outcast from society because they are not attached to the things usually people are attached too (if you are an artist and not anyone of the above mentioned then you are really not an artist). A painter or drawing artist for example; can imagine people or situations more beautiful than the scenes of a city created from socio-economic points of view. Or be it a musician who always plays with his eyes closed because the sounds of his imagination offer more than what his visual senses can offer. People notice the exquisite of his artistic display but if he is young and not taken girls are drawn to his attachment towards his art. She wants to be loved in the same manner the painter loves his brush or a guitarist loves his guitar. The trait where these artists remain introverts and outcasts to society is simply yet another trait which simply appeals to the woman. A Woman passes by a musician and he is not bothered or a painter who doesn’t bother out his outward appearance because all his clothes have paint stains and also his face. Or the poet who goes to cafes and eating joints all alone but with simply his diary. Otherwise she has all eyes on her and is the nucleus of attraction in the room. But the ignorance by the artist hits her and it’s not even ignorance or purpose or the fact that the artist is depressed to be able to love again, it’s that he has something more exquisite that the girl can’t offer. The girl is then so damn curious and in the process of quenching it ends up falling for him because it’s inevitable for a short time alteast even its not meant to be eternal. Physical beauty and other traits are do considered but are always secondary and can be compromised.
Poets are most loved out of all. It seems a simply skill and just a few words on paper but a when a woman reads and meets his perspective and knows how the level of appreciation that he has to offer is simply more than the average person, the poet becomes a lot more than the average person. She wants to be the inspiration of his words.
Considering how conservative and orthodox the renaissance period was as symptomatic from what Galileo and other scientists suffered. Under this circumstances just imagine the charm of Leonardo Da Vinci. If he is known for hiding cryptic messages and codes so well that people cannot decipher it in the modern age imagine how secret his sex life must have been.