These Online Friendship Facts Will Blow Your Mind!

Women are more likely to have online friends than men. Now we do know that women love to gossip and talk, and that they get a lot more friend requests. But they also accept these and tend to make online friendships easily. They also have close online friends who they've never met but still share details of their life with. Cool, innit? People are generally more honest with their online friends. Now, this one is a googly. But it's true. People tend to be more honest with their online friends than their real friends. Perhaps it is the fact that they won't be judged. Or the fact that they can be honest and feel less judged. Or perhaps, it is just easier to bare their soul in front of a stranger.

Most online friendships are international friendships. People online prefer to live the world and explore places through their friends. Also, they tend to make friends more easily with people from places they're attracted to or enamoured with. Long-term friendships blossom online. Social media sites like Facebook are not only for short term virtual friends. There have been friends who have grown with the system. Some have even used such sites to find their long lost friends!

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