I am always there for you. If you want to talk about your feelings, your breakups, your sorrows, your pain or anything, you can ping me up anytime. I will daily ask you, how your day went until I feel satisfied that you are actually fine. I will listen to your stories in detail. Comfort you. And trust me, each and every sentence that we share will be between us both always. Don't feel alone. I am, and always will be there with you. So what, if we haven't exchanged a word since long. We are friends, right? And also, I will talk to you unless you feel tired enough to sleep. The night is a witch, boy. You can fool everyone with your fake smile, but the night traps you and your whole story of pain telecasts in front of you. The night makes you cry. I repeat, the night makes you cry. I am there, Because you are my friend. I am there, Because I love you, But most of all, I am there because I have gone through all these sorrows. I too have felt the isolation. I too cried every night. I told you, night makes you cry. There was no one to tell me that I have their back. I could not tell my feelings to anyone. Not a single soul I trusted. I exactly know how it feels. The pain killed a part of me. So, I don't want anyone else to feel that. Atleast, not to any of my friends.
You are not alone, I always have your back !