A mother comes next to God when we talk about relationship but have you ever thought what position should be given to a Mother’s mother? Well, they should be considered above God then. Grandmothers are a very important and cutest part of or lives. Though we don’t pay much heed to their existence at times but these things will put the limelight of her role played in our lives as only “she” can do these. Here we go:
FOOD: Grandmother means Food. Your grandmother will make sure that you hog on your favourite food once you come to meet her. She might not be able to walk properly, she might be too weak but when it comes to you, she is a Superwoman and will do anything to give you the best food Possible.
SAFETY GUARD: Your Grandmother is your safety guard. She saves you from any thrashing, scolding or scolding you are about to get from your mother and father. Be it anyone, your grandmother will be standing right in front of you whenever there is a problem approaching.
LEISURE: Going to your Grandmother’s house is the biggest leisure time of your lives. Well, al of us will agree to that as she is one such human on earth who feels happy when you sleep till the time you want to, she will have no problem if you skip a shower for a day or two, she won’t mind your staying awake at night and chatting with your cousins. She in fact will ensure that no one disturbs you.
BEST-FRIEND: Your Grandmother is your best-friend in disguise. You can talk anything and everything to her and always expect a genuine advice. She has all ears when you want to discuss anything with her. She’ll liste to you without judging you, getting angry at you or scolding you. Her suggestions and advices will be GOLD!
YOUR CHILD: Your Grandmother can become a child when with you. She’ll play pranks on you, laugh uncontrolably, make funny faces and what not. She is one person who plays multiple roles in your life on the basis of the need in your life from a mother to a child.
SHE LOVES YOU: It is said that a mother loves her child the most but what about your child’s child? The feelings and love gets double and hence, your grandmother definitely loves you the most. She in fact is the only person who understands you the most.
NO DEMAND: Your grandmother won’t demand anything from you in return of all that she does for you. But deep down in a small corner of her heart Love, Care, Attention and Respect is all that she needs from you but will never show.
Give your grandmother the love, care, respect and honor that she deserves but there is no one else in the entire world who’ll do so much for you without even a single complaint.