Sacrifices in a relationship.!

Loving relationships involve both sacrifices and compromises. When you're seriously dating someone, you will inevitably need to make some sacrifices for them. This means sometimes doing things you don't exactly want to do but you know those things will make your partner happy.

When you're in a relationship, a lot of your free time is spent with your significant other. You don't get time for yourself and have to adjust with it like that only because of the happiness of your partner. Your private life no longer remains as private as it was when you were single. This can often mean sacrificing some of your physical privacy and sharing everything with them. Fighting is a natural part of any relationship with both the partners trying to assert that they are right on their places. Sometimes you need to give up and keep your ego and anger aside and solve the matter instead with communication and peace.

You have to hide/lie about certain things to keep your partner from feeling bad and getting upset. You even have to deal with your personal insecurities and negative emotions for your partner's happiness and not bug him/her with them. There will also be times when you'll have to deal with your partner's emotional outbursts and temperament without shouting back or fighting with them. Even after craving to be with them, there will be times when you'll have to stay apart. But you need to stick around even when distance comes in the way. You have to adjust to your partner's needs and wants, keeping your interests and requirements aside. Sometimes you also got to drag yourself out to meet your partner or go on a date with them despite a hectic, long busy day at work, all for the sake of your partner's happiness.

All these sacrifices and compromises are a part of the package called 'RELATIONSHIP'. It's difficult but worth it.

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