There is a  time when  students leave their homes , parents and their  comfort  zones and enter a new phase of their life which is college. In that new atmosphere all they have as a family are their roomies.  No matter what happens initially, at the end they all rely upon each other.

A student enters his college life away from the normal stride, a totally new world and unknown figures encircles his life where he has to face all the problems by himself .All a person thinks about  is that his life would just linger without his family. He is scared and nervous but also with full determination. There are many things which hover his mind that now he is in a completely new place and a complete stranger would share his room and then soon he has to adjust according to him . The initial resistance occupies the mind and all the thoughts are that how  they both would bind.

But then comes a time when they both face lows and highs  and the days pass with a strong feeling  of togetherness and care for each other. Then they  guide each other and that is the time when they understand each other more. This is where the bond of friendship begins. Not only family is important to us but having some really great friends can make our life easier to live. Friend ship is not about spending some time together , hanging out and exchanging thoughts. Its about being with a person when he needs you the most. Its about caring for him and accepting him the way the person is. Friends are the one who accepts us the way we are. And that’s the time when they are called the real friends.

But then again comes a time after so much of bonding and affection that the truth is one day they again have to part away.

But what’s the matter of importance is that in the future when we look back to our past, that person will be in our heart forever . the time spent with him/her will always be special and it will be a thing of beauty and joy forever.

So live your friendship and make memories to be cherished later.


Bond of friendship is a thing which makes even hard times easy and then remains as a pleasant memory.

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