These days as I see many couples, I feel like asking them do they really love each other? I have many friends male ones specially who talk like shit about their relationship.In present scenario couples, as I see are into this nature of insulting or embarrassing each other rather than supporting them .This word relationship being in present time is none other than word for timepass.

Relationship is beautiful and one should be happy being in it .I see many couples fighting over the issue of being physical with one another why??  That’s not the only thing that matters in a relationship. Mostly as seen boys do ask for physicality as compared to girls but is that all??Many a times after being physical relationships do break or partners leave each other for reasons. Relationships do not last longer , then in that case what should one do. Being physical is not just the attachment of your body but it do effects your mind as well as soul and anybody after being a part of it, would not like to lose someone with whom they are so closed to.

Apart from this thing , most needed thing in a relationship is understanding of the two with each other because that’s what will last forever. Relationships are great bond of love sharing loyalty , trust, care, love and also importantly respect. Sharing of bed can’t solve your problems and cherish you over again. Also in a relationship there is that one person who will always stand in support for you whatever may be the circumstances. So just come out of your this wrong conception that for in a relationship and to be happy you have to go for  physicality . Love and care is all you need truly for it to work better And respect to what have been given to you,your partner. 

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