As known by all, women are very complicated and difficult to understand. In order to live with them peacefully and happily, men have to realize few things about them. Here are those things:
1) Women say something and mean something else.
2) They want to look good for you.
3) Don't be judgemental with them regarding what they eat or what they wear.
4) They want you to introduce them to your friends.
5) They want to know about your ex but only to confirm that they are better.
6) They like it when you treat her like a gentleman.
7) Don't be jealous of her success and promotion at work.
8) They like being jealous but only little.
9) They want you to dominate them in bed.
10) Sit with her sometimes and listen to her pointless gossip and her day at work. It will make her happy.
11) If you've cheated in past, she's going to be cautious of you. Try to win her trust back.
12) Sometimes she will want to avoid you and give some time to herself.
13) Keep the gender stereotypes aside in your relationship.
14) She is secretly flattered that your friends think she's attractive. But that doesn't mean she wants them.
15) She wants you to surprise her with things like planning to see a movie together or any surprise gift or a candle night dinner.
16) Always defend her and take her side.
17) She always knows when you are lying to her.
18) She might not be ready for kids and may be worried about her body.
19) Her friends opinions of you matter.
20) She expects you to love her the most and treat her like she's your princess.