No not at all love is lot more than sex , is what couples in long term relationship states but majority of the time , sexual drive is also an contributing factor to sail on your love boat or sometimes sink. A recent study shows to keep the sexual desire strong , being responsive to your partner’s need outside the bedroom is important. How do you find if you are a responsive partner ? People who are responsive follow three things : they know what their partner’s says , being aware of the needs and desire of the partner and finally a deep care and affection must be expressed to your loved ones. Responsiveness actually creates a in depth feeling that there someone really there for you all the time and Yeah.! Isn’t that cool and romantic to make your love boat sustain. Dopamine is the culprit who forces you to have sex with your partner at the beginning of relationship. Everything you see and everything your partner says appears to be intimate and affectionate at this passionate stage of love. But in the period of six months to two years the passionate level drops , there are numerous reasons like aging , hormones decreases and emotional distance is also a adding factor. A new research conducted by psychologists at the IDC, suggests women and men who feels their partner are responsive tends to have more sexual desire towards them and also the study reveals that the women sexual desire is more sensitive than men. Some of the important things to boost up your partner’s desire in the relationship are Do not waste time , don’t wait until your partner’s desire drops down. Always rejoice your relationship Stop arguing and interrupting, if your partner as something to share or talk to you important listen to them , it’s better to listen than giving advice. Impress her (. Wink )! Though your relationship is ten years old that doesn't matter , always try to impress her and make her feel she is the one. Share and talk out stuffs , watch a adultery movie together , read a book and tell them how sexy they look.