Have you ever thought that why do we need special people in our lives whom we call friends? I mean when we are born, we have enough relatives to last a lifetime, then why do we wander around looking for people whom we can call our friends? The answer is simple, it’s ‘nothing’. We don’t need any particular reason to make friends but once they are in our lives, our life becomes more meaningful.
Friends are those who help us to understand ourselves. One can tell about a person just by meeting his or her friends. We will make friends with those only with whom we can relate ourselves. Think for once that why we are not able to talk about something to our parents who are the reason for our existence but we can talk about almost anything with our friends whom we might only know for a few months. The bond of friendship is completely different from anything else out there. There is no good or bad in friendship, it’s just friendship.
Nowadays, there are many types of friends like social site friends, partying friends, gossiping friends, class friends, etc. but no matter how many million friends you do have, in the end, there will only remain two or three people who are your real friends. There will be fights and happy times but in the time of need, only these two or three friends will appear who will stand by your side without any kind of greed in their hearts. These are those friends who understand you like even you don’t understand yourself and hence they are priceless.