Why E L James and Stephenie Meyer are a major threat to real love stories:
Neither of the characters, the vampire or that mysterious millionaire who does a business (which even the writer does not know) which gets him ample-time-to-negotiate BDSM rules exist.
The gay vampire is just a vampire, immortal and resembles sparkly diamonds in the sunlight and hence his weird character and since boys in real life have to deal with a lot of shit like parents and career and the pressure to get into a relationship most of all, so nowhere in earth would you ever find a boyfriend who talks, walks, shines, never gets angry or frustrated, and worst of all stares his soul out to you like Edward Cullen. He is more fictitious and surreal than Radhe Maa's caricature. So since your school days you might have waited for the universe to give you your own Edward Cullen and then slowly with time you waste an ample amount of time over coming your false convictions of life and love.
The reclusive mysterious Millionaire as I told before is unaware of his own business. Watch the whole movie and by no means or any other details you will be able to make out what his company actually does. Successful businessmen often go under huge risks and pressure and in such times their poles simply won’t stand because of the professional pressure. That’s a very common complain of all wives of successful business men or people who run the risk of huge financial drops anytime. But you would not see a single line in his forehead. Actually you don’t care about his business because as long as he looks good and its legal why care to understand right. Plus he has ample time. If his character and situation was to be true all accomplishments of other previous businessmen and people who don’t get a minutes break from their work would smash their heads against each other after being embarrassed by the effort to success ratio of the character. And whether he is professional towards his business or not but he surely handles his BDSM life in contracts and mobile follow ups and emails with so formal subject contents that his formal business mails might appear shy (if he needs any business mails). He is has set a new level of perfection and that perfection comprises of liking whatever your lady wants you to be while you screw the rest of the logic running world.
Now as imperfectly perfect and crystalline these boys might be, the girls are equally dumb and boring. Bella can’t even pour ketchup or drive properly but she is beautiful. He studies are going fine and the tension never shows on her face and even if it did Edward would stare her and cure it. She actually doesn’t need to do anything else in life. She just hangs in there and the creepy Vampire comes and locks glance. Then it’s set. Girls like it because what can be better than sitting out like a rose and spreading your charm while the vampire bee comes. Anastasia Steele is a literature student and her student life and career suddenly gets over after her task of interviewing the Gajni Businessman. And after that she gets treated like a princess and when you get treated like a princess you don’t mind if you are being used as a sex object because it makes you realize that you are bloody desirable in physical and mental features. Plus he is a millionaire so he is worth it.
Twilight was popular as long as all the sequels were in due. After that the generation grew and the movie is now lost. Where is the actor who played Edward Cullen now a days anyways. And they better release the sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey or else the cast will grow old and will no suit the imperfectly perfect mode of the stories. And anyone who go through the story can easily tell that a girl wrote a story as from her idea of the ideal lover or physical lover.
No offence to girls and the writers. Just a matter of different taste. All criticism and abusive comments are openly welcome from those whose sentiments are hurt.