Marriage is a pious relationship. It is a bond that putatively lasts until death. These days, it’s very easy to find your life partner due to a lot of match making platforms. But there are a lot of bachelors and spinsters who are not able to get a perfect match for themselves due to their chronic diseases.
In today’s era, every girl desires for a good-looking and rich groom. And it’s not an arduous task but Is that rich and good-looking groom owns a worthy character? A good character makes a man/woman perfect. It does not matter how much rich and good-looking you are but if you are not able to sustain your marriage and do justice to your partner then it’s totally a big failure.
Similarly, life does not end for the people suffering with the chronic diseases, actually these people knows the real value of marriage but certainly they need a push and motivation from the society. And “Divine Relations” is doing this job for them.
You don’t need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.