Every relationship is beautiful and every relationship goes through good and bad times. So it is important to understand each other in the relationship and give space to each other to have a good relationship. 

No relationship is perfect all the time. In a healthy relationship, both people feel good about the relationship most of the time. There are many things we can do to build healthy relationships. Remember that in any relationship, both people must be willing to put in the effort. One person cannot build a great relationship alone.

Love yourself. You’ll be a happier partner. 

It is important that you are comfortable with yourself. Know your own strengths and be proud of them.

Share your feelings and listen to your partner’s.

If you are upset or concerned, talk about it. Working through difficult situations builds trust and helps make relationships even stronger. Also, remember to share when something your partner does makes you happy.

Be honest and expect honesty.

We need to be truthful with each other about what we do, think, and feel.

If you want to know what is on your partner's mind — ask. 

Be ready to listen to what they have to say. Sometimes people assume they know what someone else is thinking or feeling.

Spend time on your own and let your partner do the same. 

Sometimes people think a healthy relationship means spending all your time together. It is actually healthier for people to spend time with different people than with just one person. That way they can develop their own interests and talents and grow as individuals.

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