Passive aggression is like a slow poison so if you are not comfortable being direct than you have already lost the grass root of your relationship. It is natural and okay to get upset and argue but without understanding the reason and without the exchange of communication, it gets more upsetting and gives you no result.
Negativity eats you mentally, physically and emotionally but with a right person, you start building confidence. Suppose he/she is the reason for you being negative than it is better to move ahead for good in your life. Avoidance is one in the list of forbidden. If you cannot even tolerate his presence than say it directly, avoidance will make it only complicated.
There are many more things we can discuss which make it toxic relationship. Change is the only constant but a positive change. If both of you are going through positive evolution than go in same direction. Most people notice a change in themselves with the time in their relationship and this change is worth if it makes your relationship any better, otherwise it is a next step towards your toxic relationship.
See what your relation is giving you. Work on the questions like – Are you actually happy?, Are you comfortable? Alternatively, do you want to stay in this relationship any longer? Does your partner Value you? And many more.
Do not create an emotionally and mentally challenging Jail for you. Quit it if it is toxic/abusive and stay happy.