NSFW: You'll not get a goodnight sleep after looking at these weird sculptures from across the globe

The famous structure of Manneken Pis in Brussels which has a little boy peeing with pride boasts a great number of visitors every year, based on the same idea, this 8.5 meter tall structure of a ‘baby’ stands in the midst of public with a weird expression on his face, which, unintentionally looks horrific to many and makes a long-lasting disturbing impression on the viewers. Well, peeing in public never looked as horrific as this one.
There is something eerie when sculptors take on making structures of babies. This one proves that as these babies look quite adorable from far away as they appear to be crawling like *ahem*, ‘normal’ babies but as soon as reached closer they will greet you in a way that’ll give you nightmares! See for yourself in the image how adorable their faces are.
Okay naked babies in the public were sort of okay, but watching this one with your parents especially when you are from India, won’t be a delightful one. Dating back to 1598, this sculpture was made in the renaissance Europe when the cardinal sins and cardinal virtues were highly believed in. The statue has seven different symbols for seven different virtues, going by this theory what appears is that, lactating with a force like this was a highly regarded virtue, umm wait what?!
Ever saw a 4.2 metres long v*gina standing in right front of you? No? Well, neither did me, thankfully. But the students in the University of Tübingen go around this massive v*gina everyday! Depicting a woman’s v*lva, this ‘stone’ doubled its weirdness when in June 2014 a student got stuck in it and couldn’t move out, what appeared was a v*gina giving birth! And guess what? It’s a boy!
A single picture of this one is so terrifying; I wonder what it would be like to actually stand in front of it in the night when it flashes its electric red eyes. Standing 32-foot tall this “Mustang†stands right in the entrance of Denver at its international airport. I wonder what kind of a ‘first impression’ theory was in the minds of the ones who installed it right at the gateway.p