Aamir Khan’s Dangal which has recently taken the box office by storm is all set to become the biggest movie of the year 2016. After a whooping First Day Opening Collection, the Aamir Khan starrer has already become the 2nd highest opener of 2016 after Sultan and is expected to perform well in the coming week.
The movie is a Wrestling Drama based on the true story of Former wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat who trains his young daughters Geeta and Babita to follow in his footsteps and become world-class grapplers. The movie actually shows the heart and soul being put by the complete star cast and is being praised all over.
But despite this, #BoycottDangal is trending on twitter with some disappointing comment from the people. It seems that people have not forgotten Aamir Khan’s comment on “Intolerance”. It’s been an year now but people are not ready to forgive him on his intolerance remarks against India.