1. Fight Club
On the surface this movie revolves around an unnamed narrator who is apparently an insomniac, lives a normal life until he meets the fist-fighting, hot-shot anarchist- Tyler Durden. Both start living together eventually making good friends. The mind melting sequence starts as soon as we learn the ‘truth’ about Tyler reaching the climax. The twist is so mind-blowing that you might even have to re-watch the whole movie again to pick up the clues you missed.
2. Inception
Here’s a flick by Director Christopher Nolan (the name says it all doesn’t it?) who tries as hard as he can to leave the audience scratching their heads throughout the movie as there is a high use of sci-fi language that is generally not understood by the general public. Moreover, the climax of the movie is so confusing that you might even indulge in serious arguments with your friends arguing if what you saw was true or not.
3. The Sixth Sense
A psychological horror, where a child is disturbed with the indulgence of dead people in his life. Further, it is revealed that he is plagued by a torrent of ghosts and spirits as he is able to actually see the dead. Although the real twist isn’t associated with him as while we reach the end we get to know that something is ‘very’ wrong with his psychologist. Nevertheless, after seeing the end, you won’t be able to watch it the same way twice.
4. Memento
Well, this movie is again directed by Christopher Nolan who gave a masterpiece toying with the idea of making a movie in reverse order that messes with the brain. The protagonist here though, unlike Ghajini, ’can’t create new memories’ which further complexes the plot.
5. Shutter Island
This mind-bender appears as a typical thrilling detective story with your typical pair of detectives. The protagonists are shown as U.S martials who investigate a disappearance of the ‘67th’ patient at a mysterious hospital on Shutter Island. Although once you reach the end, a very weird and mystifying thing is revealed about the concerned patient that will of course, lead you to question your own intellect.
6. Matrix
An action movie like this shouldn’t be considered as a mind-bender but still the logic that is revealed in this piece of sci-fi has led to many serious questions- the most important of which is; ‘Is Anything Real?’ Hey ! I’m not kidding recently many scientists are evening probing in this very question many believe that everything is real but there are many who think otherwise.
7. Saw
Get ready to witness a man who doesn’t even has a single dialogue throughout the movie but still will blow your mind to its core.Going by the myths of the ‘Jigsaw’ killer this thriller has a series of brutal kill scenes and some real gore; please make sure that you aren’t full as you might end up throwing up while watching. And trust me, after seeing the movie, if you will ever come around this question- ‘Want to play a game?’ You will get a chill down your spine.