Most Cursed Objects In The Entire World!

This chair belonged to a convicted murderer Thomas Busby. A supposed curse lies upon it which was laid by Busby himself, he said “May sudden death comes to anyone who dares sit in my chairâ€. Apparently, nearly 60 people lost their lives to untimely deaths since then, who sat on it. The chair was donated to a museum in the UK where it today hangs 5 feet above the ground so that no one sits on it.
Originally discovered in an antique shop in 1970. Was bought by a female as a gift to her daughter. Strange occurrings started happening as the doll started appearing in different rooms where it was not even kept. Moreover, drops of blood and written documents started appearing all over the house. This doll has an exclusive horror movie of its own named ‘Annabelle’ and even appeared in one of the most popular horror Hollywood movie ‘The Conjuring’. Now it is in the possession of the Warrens who are renowned exorcists.
Nothing is scarier than a cabinet which has a ghost inside it, well; you might have seen that in some movies. But this cabinet is way too scarier because it actually exists. Although, no ghost has been seen inside it but it is claimed that whoever owns it, tends to have weird nightmares and even some have suffered from severe heart strokes while having this sinister box in possession. On tracing its origin, it was found that it belonged to a Jewish holocaust survivor and is believed to be possessed by an evil spirit named Dybbuk.
When Anna Baker, in the mid 1800s was denied by her father to marry a low class iron worker, deeply depressed because she already bought the dress, she vowed that she would not marry anyone and would remain alone all her life. She did the same until her death in 1914. The dress today is inside a glass cabinet in the Baker mansion. But the unexplained phenomenon is that many people have seen the dress moving by itself like someone is actually wearing it! It is believed that it is Anna Baker herself dancing her wedding dance which she wasn’t able to do in her life.
The vase was made by an Italian crafter at a wedding night in the 15th century. Unfortunately, the bride was found murdered the very same night clutching the vase. The case was transferred to family to family but the same families suffered a fatality of at least one member during the time of the vase’s possession. It was found again in 1988 which again resulted in the same mysterious deaths as before. Even many museums neglected to keep the vase as display because of the incidents that happened because of it. Today it is located in an undisclosed location with probably no one actually knowing where it actually is. You won’t even be able to find a picture on the Google search.