Madhuri Dixit joined hands with the Union Health Minister to promote breastfeeding and spread awareness about its benefits. Union Health Minister JP Nadda on Friday said that breastfeeding should be promoted at all levels, as it is the most natural and cost effective intervention of human development.
"There is a need to promote breast feeding at every level. We must appreciate that breastfeeding is a child's first inoculation against death, disease and poverty," said Nadda. The minister was speaking at the launch of MAA (Mothers Absolute Affection), a flagship programme for promotion of breastfeeding. The event was attended by newly appointed Minister of States Anupriya Patel and Faggan Singh Kulaste and Madhuri Dixit, who is the UNICEF's Celebrity Advocate for the campaign.
Emphasising on the awareness of breast feeding, Kulaste, said: "Awareness is the key among people and we have to work on dispelling myths an misconceptions. Breastfeeding creates a special bond between mother and baby and the interaction between the mother and child during breastfeeding has positive impact for life, in terms of stimulation, behaviour, speech, sense of well-being, security and how the child relates to other people."