Ever Wondered Why It Is said ‘A Cat Has Nine Lives’

Ever wondered why it is said ‘a cat has nine lives’?

The origin of this, according to some, must have begun somewhere in ancient Egypt where the cats were venerated. In fact cats were used to catch mice in ancient Egypt. Egyptians worshipped -Atum-Ra, a sun god who gave life to the gods of air, moisture, earth and sky, who, in turn, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys, and were collectively known as the Ennead, or the Nine. Atum-Ra, who took the form of a cat to visit the underworld, embodied nine lives in one creator. However, this story is discredited by many who state that Egyptian gods are immortal.

There’s another interesting story by way of a folktale dating back to 962 AD. Baldwin III, the Count of Ypres, threw some cats from a tower but to his surprise, they survived without a single a bruise. He hurled them nine times and to his astonishment, they survived every time and so, he left them alone. Till today, people in Belgium celebrate this piece of history by throwing toy cats.

Likewise, in many cultures, cats have multiple lives. Besides the ‘nine lives’, other myths prevailing in Germany, Italy, Greece and Brazil, they are said to have seven lives. In Turkish and Arabic traditions, the number of lives is six. Natural flexibility and swiftness exhibited by cats to escape life-threatening situations must have lent credence to this myth. Also, cats have an instinctive righting reflex to twist their bodies around and land on their feet while falling from a height.

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