Do ghost exist? A question that has intrigued almost everyone. To answer this question, one must know what Is a ghost. An apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or manifest infront of the living, typically as a nebulous image is said to be a ghost. Few people have seen a ghost or spirit in real and many places are marked as haunted - that is surrounded by ghosts or negative energies. But, there are a lot of people who think that these things do not exist and they only have place in stories and movies. Logically, if you study this topic in detail, there is positive and negative aspects of everything. If there is good, there has to be bad too. If there is heaven then there is hell too. Similarly, if there is God, there is Devil too. According to Hindu Mythology, Shiva was accompanied by Ghosts at the time of his marriage. Also, in Hanuman Chalisa, a line comes ' bhoot pishach nikat Nahi aawe, mahavir jab naam sunave' which means that Ghosts and demons won't be able to come near the person who takes the name of Hanuman ji. If there wouldn't have been anything such as ghosts then there would not be any job such as 'Paranormal investigators ' and there would be no place titled haunted, no thing such as Ouija board. Directly answering the question - Yes, ghosts do exist.
Do ghosts exist?