The difference between brown rice and white rice is not just color! A whole grain of rice has several layers. Only the outermost layer, the hull, is removed to produce what we call brown rice. This process is the least damaging to the nutritional value of the rice and avoids the unnecessary loss of nutrients that occurs with further processing. If brown rice is further milled to remove the bran and most of the germ layer, the result is a whiter rice, but also a rice that has lost many more nutrients.

The brown rice has a vast array of health benefits. The healthy benefits of brown rice are listed below:

1. High in Manganese

One cup of brown rice provides 80% of our daily manganese requirements. Manganese helps the body synthesize fats. Manganese also benefits our nervous system.

2. Promotes weight loss

Brown rice is instrumental in seeking weight control for the people combating with obesity. Brown rice contains manganese which helps to synthesize the body fats. The fiber content in brown rice improves digestion and brown rice also makes the tummy feel full which translates to smaller meal portions.

3. High in Fiber

Brown rice supplies 14 percent of the recommended daily value for fiber, an important nutrient that protects against colon cancer and breast cancer. Fiber tends to latch onto the chemicals that cause cancer and steer them away from the cells preventing cancer from developing in those areas. Fiber also has many other health benefits including promoting cardiovascular health.

4. Rich in antioxidants

This is one of the best kept secrets regarding brown rice. Brown rice is rich in powerful antioxidants which extend their protection against the damage caused by oxygen free radicals. It contains an important antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase which protects the cells from oxidation damage during energy production

5. Lowers the risk of Diabetes

It has a low glycemic index which is helpful in reducing insulin surges and assists in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in the body. Harvard researchers found that by eating just 50 grams of brown rice a day, the risk of type 2 diabetes can be lowered by 16 percent.

6. Treats insomnia

Brown rice helpful in the treatment of insomnia. Brown rice is a natural source of sleep hormone melatonin. It enhances the quality of sleep by relaxing the nerves and increasing the sleep cycle.

Thus everyone should try including brown rice in their daily diet to avail its benefits.

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