Whether it is a headache, fever or flu, no illness stands before the Triton Hospital’s doctors.

“I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.” This is one of the pledge in the Hippocratic Oath, an oath which all the doctors take before starting their career, an oath which must be obeyed during the cure of any individual from diseases. 

In today’s world, the rate of illness is increasing so rapidly that curing everyone has become very difficult. Especially a place like Delhi with so much of pollution, people get sick every other day. Most of the time one do not get appointed by the doctors at time. Often the patients do not know to which doctor should they concern? For different disease, patient has to go to different doctors which resides at different places which costs him a lot. But all these problems can be sorted out at on place, Triton Hospital, with all amenities. 



An ideal healthcare delivery system is composed of primary, secondary and tertiary centres. Currently in Delhi, especially in south Delhi, the Triton Hospital have unregulated primary centres, single speciality centres and corporate tertiary care, so either patient can get very basic care or has to go to a tertiary centre. The secondary centres are completely missing. Disadvantage of going to tertiary healthcare in place of secondary centre has negative impact on quality of care in addition to financial burden. Angel and Eve Hospital private limited has targeted to solve this concern in Delhi in vacuum areas and Triton Hospital is their first flagship project in south Delhi in this endeavour.

Triton hospital is a 60 beded multi-speciality hospital in heart of south Delhi, conveniently located on outer ring road right across Nehru place with an excellent accessibility. From preventive care and check-up, to immunizations and exams, Triton Hospital’s primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.

It has a specialization in providing services which includes orthopaedics, gynaecology, pediatric and neonatal surgery, dentistry, general and laparoscopic surgery, critical care, urology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology and physiotherapy. It is India’s Top Pediatric and neonatal surgery Hospital and have top Urology Specialist. Whether it is a headache, fever or flu, no illness stands before the Triton Hospital’s doctors. For appointment or additional details, visit http://www.tritonhospital.com

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