Lips are often associated with beauty but they can also speak a lot about your health. Here are different types of lips and what they say about your health:
What do your lips say about your health?

Lips are often associated with beauty but they can also speak a lot about your health. Here are different types of lips and what they say about your health:
Cracks can be a sign of diabetes. Cracks at the side of the mouth are sometimes due to anemia which occurs when there is a shortage of iron in the body.
They can indicate an allergy. Chapped lips are persistently sore because of the allergy as the lips can swell slightly, which causes skin to crack and peel. An allergy test will help in this case.
Pale pink lips are a common side effect of anaemia. When the level of oxygen being carried to the body drops, the lips turn bluish, instead of healthy deep pink.
Swollen lips indicate a food sensitivity and poor health. They are sometimes caused by Crohn's disease (disease causing swelling in the bowel but can inflame the lymph ducts at any point in the body).
Burning lips can be a sign of depression. There is a huge amount of sensory equipment in the brain, which can become overly sensitive when there is a psychological imbalance, causing burning lips.
Cold sore are caused when there is a reactivation of the herpes virus. This virus never leaves the body and causes recurrent cold sores which can also be a sign that the immune system is weak. It can also point to poor diet.
Also known as 'lick eczema', they are caused by excessive licking of the lips. The skin on the lips contains fewer sebaceous glands than the rest of the skin and is more prone to drying out than other areas. Tissues and area around the mouth become dry and vulnerable to infections when few oils on the lips are dried because of excessive licking. Stop this habit and apply Vaseline whenever the lips are dry.
It is increasingly caused by the high consumption of carbonated drinks.