Ways To Make Your Day Healthy. Pick At least One Daily.

Wake up before sunrise. Don't skip breakfast. Exercise for an hour. Drink water 5 times a day. Cook a meal at home. Get off the internet. Get 8 hrs of sleep. Walk briskly for an hour. Cycle to work. Ditch the elevator. Have a cup of green tea. Laugh out loud. Do Surya Namaskar. Breathe in deep for 10 mins. Walk barefoot on grass. Give sugar a pass. Call up a friend.

Every New Years we make various resolutions that we promise to keep in hopes of turning over a new leaf.

But then, deep down, we have that one big worry! Can I stick to my resolutions? Can I muster the discipline to keep at it throughout the year?

Lets Accept It – Its Tough

  • Its tough to wake up every morning and hit the gym, day after day, every day.
  • Its tough to say no to that extra serving of dessert.
  • Its tough to stop yourself from pushing that activity to later, tomorrow, some time.
  • Its tough to convince yourself to shut your phone and laptop off, on Sunday.

Is there a better way? What if we didn’t have to do the same thing every day and had a set of great choices to pick from?

1. Wake Up Before Sunrise

Deep experts have suggested that going to bed early and waking up early will make one’s body more in tune with the earth’s circadian rhythms, offering more restorative sleep. Other studies have shown that morning people exhibit character traits like optimism, being agreeable, satisfaction and conscientiousness.This is the time when the mind has been refreshed by sleep and the day’s rhythms are yet to start influencing the body and mind.

2. Exercise For An Hour

Exercising helps you build a strong core. A strong core increases your strength, balance, posture and pretty much every activity that you do.

3. Breathe In Deep For 10 Minutes

Find a quiet place. Close your eyes. Breathe normally for a couple of minutes. And then breathe in deep. Fill up your lungs. Empty them fully. Feel your body soak up the oxygen. Feel the chaos and negativity melt away. Open your eyes and find yourself calm, vitalized, transformed. Its a whole new world – inside and outside!

4. Take A Barefoot Stroll On Grass

Waling bare feet on moist grass immediately produces a warm, tingling sensation. It stimulates reflexology points in the feet which is great for the entire body, especially the eyes. It also connects us with Mother Earth. Walking on grass is a form of healing meditation, removing our stress and replacing it with well being on all levels.

5. Drink 2 Glasses Of Water 5 Times A Day

Are you drinking enough water? Most likely not. Do you know that dehydration makes you old? Don’t wait to feel thirsty before reaching out for that glass of water. Better still, keep a bottle of water at hand at all times.

6. Don’t Skip Breakfast

After a night of rest and recuperation, your body needs some energy to kick start the day. Without this energy, your body goes into low-intensity, energy-saving mode – for the whole day. Breakfast is important. Critically important, if you want to be at your best.

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