Top 5 healthiest foods which are easily available and tasty as well

Loaded with Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, eating these fry fruits, just 23 a day is an easy way to incorporate many crucial nutrients in your diet. Health maintenance and heart health are the two major ways in which almonds promote a healthy lifestyle as magnesium helps lower the risk of heart attacks and hypertension, while the fiber, protein and fat content provides it as a significant weight-loss snack. Promoting gastrointestinal health and even combating diabetes are other health benefits that these seed-nuts provide. Although, make sure you go for the raw almonds rather than the roasted ones, if you don’t want to gain more calories.
An apple a day, indeed, keeps the doctor away. The health benefits when listed regarding this healthy fruit just don’t end unless you curtail it. The extremely rich content which accommodates important antioxidants, flavonoids, dietary fiber and phytonutrients claims apple’s throne on the top, often regarded as the healthiest fruit. An abundance of quercetin (one of the antioxidants) helps reduce cellular death that is caused by oxidation and inflammation of neurons, promoting a healthy neurological health. Further health benefits stored in the inventory of apples are; preventing dementia, reducing risk of a stroke, lowering levels of bad cholesterol, reducing risk of diabetes, warding off breast cancer and yeah of course, it fights obesity.
Indeed, cereals like corn flakes and others; eggs, bread, milk mark a popular chart of being present in one’s breakfast, none other beats the healthiness of this cereal, harvested in fall when poor soil conditions lulls other crops to thrive. Highly rich in dietary fiber (more than any other grain), are backed up with a range of healthy cholesterol lowering properties. Nutrients like manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, copper and a long list ahead, grants this grain to be claimed as the best food in the world.The health benefits provided by these are; helps curing coronary artery diseases, prevents colorectal cancer, maintains blood pressure, improves digestion and again, fights obesity.
You’ve been eating it every day while being oblivious to the benefits it has been providing you with. The overwhelming aroma of roasted garlic has led it to find its way to be included as a taste booster in a variety of dishes across the globe, ranging from stir-curries to pizza toppings and pastas. Rich in sulphur accompanied with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, garlic helps fight many diseases and even a healthy preventer of cancer. Garlic is also enriched with Vitamin B1, B2, B2, B6, folate, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc. Major benefits provided are; it purifies the blood, prevents cold and flu, and prevents heart diseases, helpful for skin-related diseases and hair and it can be even put inside a bandage to cure an annoying splinter!
We all must be familiar with a depiction shown in many movies and TV shows that how much kids hate it when they are served with Broccoli on their platter. This myth was busted when studies showed that even kids tend to like broccoli, and it all depended on the way to cook it. Study claim that a healthy steaming method (available on the internet) should be used to cook it. Adding this 2-3 times a week in your diet will help you significantly as it is immensely rich in Vitamins K, C, E, and chromium, folate, fibers, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, and the list won’t just stop! The plus point with Broccoli is that this all comes without a significant amount of calories which is just 55 per 150 grams. Health benefits are; cancer prevention, cholesterol reduction, reduces allergic reaction and inflammation, it is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens bone health, improves heart health and yet again, aids digestion and cures obesity.