This World Water Day..Let Us Pledge To Act And Save Water.

The World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year not only to mark the importance of water but it is also an important warning to everyone living on Earth to value the greatest boon to mankind – Water. 
World Water Day honours water and our water resources and also draws focus on those who are derived of such an important and compulsory aspect of life. The World Water Day brings the attention of humans to global water crisis.

World Water Day is an integral part of the drive which is taking place all over the World with an aim to provide clean water to everyone. This day helps us to  understand the value of water and to find ways to preserve it and protect our water resources. The United Nation commemorates this occasion along with the support of various governments and collaborators. The UN selects a different theme every year.
The latest report of United Nations shows alarming findings and according to them, by the year 2030 the global water reserves would not be enough to meet more than 60% of the world’s water needs and demands. The World Water Development Report states that the demand for water all over the world will increase by 55% in the coming 15 years.
The shortage of water in the coming years will be due to weather fluctuations because of errant rainfall and decline in the groundwater levels. Today a whopping 1.8 billion people all over the world are left with no choice but to drink water polluted with human and animal waste, plastic and polythene which is exposing them to life threatening diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio.
 Such water scarcities will greatly affect our agricultural resources and our whole ecosystem and World economies. Shortage of water would also take its toll on the health and healthy and clean living of the living world.

On this World Water Day its now our responsibility to not only think of the day as a day of making false promises but also to act on such promises and bring water preservation on top of our to do list. 

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