Surprise health benefits of junk food

In order to keep our bodies fit and in shape, we try our best to avoid junk food and eat low-calorie, healthy food. But you might be unaware of the fact that even though junk foods are not completely healthy, they have some health benefits which may allow you to devour them without any guilt or worry.

1. Ketchup

Ketchup is loaded with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. If you go for organic ketchup, then you may like to know that they contain upto 60% more lycopene per gram than conventional brands.

2. Sour cream

Sour cream is surprisingly low in sodium. And if you want to top your baked potato with a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, you'll add just 52 calories and only around 2 grams of saturated fat.

3. chocolate

Chocolates are high in polyphenols which is known to reduce the risk of mortality by 30%. They also help regulate your immune system and cocoa is known for its anti anxiety properties.

4. Beer

Beer is a significant source of silicon, a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density. Beer is great if consumed in moderation, clocking 150-200 calories per serving. The antioxidant levels in beer are also equivalent to that of wine.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn has the highest polyphenol level of all snack foods. Its high levels of polyphenols, antioxidants can protect you against heart disease and certain cancers. It is also full of fiber.

6. Beef jerky

Beef jerky helps in controlling insulin levels and thus helps in controlling fat. It is also packed with protein. Before eating it, just be sure that you choose low-sodium jerky and opt for brands with all-natural ingredients.

7. Butter

Fat in butter helps our bodies better absorb vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E and K. Opt for whipped butter to save on calories without sacrificing taste.

8. Hot sauce

Besides making all our curries tastier, hot sauce also makes you loose weight. Hot sauce contains capsaicin, a compound that can curb your appetite by reducing levels of the hunger-causing hormone ghrelin and by raising levels of GLP- 1, an appetite- suppressing hormone.

9. Pork rinds

1 ounce of pork rinds contains 0 carbohydrates, 17 grams of proteins and 9 grams of fat. Thats 9 times the protein and less fat than a serving of regular chips. Its most of the fat is oleic acid, which is the same healthy fat you'll find in olive oil. Another fat found in pork rinds, stearic acid, is a type of saturated fat that doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels.

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