Soybeans, which are also known as soya beans, are a species of legume that have become one of the most widely consumed foods in the world. They are extremely useful for human health, and they are easy to cultivate as well. Soybean  is hailed as the most protective bean. It contains 26% protein, the highest protein content amongst plant products. Soy is often used to replace the animal protein in an individual’s diet.The high levels of protein make it an ideal protein source for vegetarians.

Soybeans are processed into various soy products namely soy flour, soy milk, cottage cheese like tofu etc

Soybeans have a wealth of health benefits like:

1. Nutritional value of Soybeans

The many health benefits of soybeans comes from the wealth of nutrients, vitamins, organic compounds, and other nutrients, including a significant amount of dietary fiber and a very large amount of protein. Soybean is the only vegetable food that contains all eight essential amino acids. Soybeans are also an important source of the minerals, copper, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, and potassium; Replacing meat and dairy with soy would also lower total cholesterol intake by about 125 milligrams per day and saturated fat by about 2.4 grams per day.

2. Metabolic activity

Soybeans are an extremely important source of protein. When you have enough proteins in your body, then your metabolic functioning and overall system will get a major boost. Proteins are the building blocks of cells and blood vessels and basically every essential part of the human body.

3. Cardiovascular benefits

Whole food soybeans have been shown to provide us with better cardiovascular support than dietary supplements containing soy components. "Better" in this case means not only more consistent but also more in-depth cardiovascular support.

4. Cancer prevention

The levels of antioxidants in soybeans make it generally good for preventing the onset of various cancers. The high fiber content in soybeans leads to a reduction in cancer, since fiber helps to ease the digestive process and put far less strain on the gastrointestinal system.

5. Heart's Health

Soybeans are a source of healthier, unsaturated fat, which helps you lower your total cholesterol. This can allow you to prevent conditions which can easily lead to heart attacks and strokes.

6. Bone health

There is a very high vitamin and mineral content in soybeans, and the impressive levels of calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, and zinc are very important for a variety of processes in the body. Perhaps most important is their role in bone health, which allows for new bones to grow and also speeds up the healing process of bones.

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