Onions are the most common ingredients in Indian food. it is most healthy food because of the following health factors. They are:
• Boosts Sperm Health: It keeps the sperms healthy and motile.
• Healthy Skin : It prevents in getting wrinkles and fine lines that comes with age.
• Protects from Cancer: It protects people from all kinds of cancers like skin cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
• Lowers Stress : It lowers your stress levels and helps you out from insomnia.
• Immunity Levels : It increases the immunity levels in your body by increasing the number of killer cells in your body.
• Controls Diabetes : It controls blood glucose levels and so protects from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes problems.
• Healthy Heart : It lowers the blood cholesterol and prevents any cardiac problems.