Every individual is obsessed with weight gain that they crush their energies to lose weight in gym sessions. But it is not more effective unless you lose 'fat' for it reduces and is difficult to gain while weight as soon as lost has a habit to bounce back with that extra flab quickly.
The greatest worth in losing fat is strenuous workouts at gym but let you beware that daily routine activities can actually help in decreasing your footfall at gym by:
1. Switch telly-obsession off - It is a fact that whenever one watches T.V., one tends to overeat. Thus, be your own boss and switch off or just go for a brisk walk, if free. Walk is easiest and the best.
2. Never tempt yourself for relishes at a Restro- Whenever you go out to eat food in a restaurant, don't crave for fatty cuisines and dishes. Opt for a healthy salad or a healthy offering of sprouts etc. as owners themselves are indulging into such strategies to draw a base of both healthy and junk-food eaters.
3. Drink water before every meal- Even if you don't drink eight litres of water a day, no worries, just ensure that you drink a glass before every meal to feel fuller.
4. While shopping, eat and then shop - If you take on eating food first and then roam and move for shopping, then it is best way to digest easily and walk rather than sitting after having binge-eating.
5. Don't starve yourself - You must take pleasure in indulging in favourite eat-outs of yours, not heavy though, so that you don't pressurize your body to lose weight as lack of nutrition renders one weak. It will not affect you in the long run.