Fast food is the food served commercially, which takes only a few seconds to assemble. But in an attempt to meet taste requirements at a low price, several nutritional compromises are made. Fast food puts us at a greater risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, cancer and obesity as fast foods are usually high in cholesterol, sugar, sodium, additives and preservatives, each of which has been linked to the development of chronic degenerative disorders. Junk food is further low in protective components like fibre and antioxidants. Many fast foods have a wide variety of chemical additives, used to preserve, color and otherwise enhance the products to ensure uniformity, taste and profitability. These may pose health risks. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) for example, is often used as a flavor enhancer, and can lead to headaches, tightness in the chest, and a burning sensation in the forearms and back of  the neck.

A rainbow of fast food dues gives color to pink strawberry shakes, green and purple candy, and lemon yellow soft drinks. Harmful chemicals in processed foods such as potato chips, pre sweetened cereals. chewing gums and soup cubes, are added to last food in restaurants. Caffeine is added to almost all aerated soft drinks like colas and orange drinks.

The fat used the last food restaurants in lndia is mostly hydrogenated vegetable oil. It is harmful to health in more ways than one. Most eating places heat the some oil again and again, there by creating several harmful substances. Consuming more calories from  retimed sugar also displaces fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and other nutrient-packed foods from our diet. We lose out on the fibre, vitamins, minerals and other protective foods. We need to protect us against heart attacks, cancers, diabetes and other degenerative disorders.

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