Health benefits of having a beard

Not only beard makes you look more masculine and attractive, but it is actually good for you and has some health benefits as well. Here are those 10 benefits that will encourage you to grow beard:

1) Beards are able to block upto 95% of the Sun's harmful UV rays and protect your face from becoming leathery and prevent wrinkles which happen because of skin exposure to sun.
2) A beard can keep you warm in winter. It acts as thermal protection as well as physical protection against the cold.
3) Shaving can bring on acne breakouts, worsen existing acne and contribute to acne-related skin infections. Instead beards can add an extra layer of protection from infection.
4) Most men feel more attractive and confident with a beard. Most women also prefer men with beard as they look more masculine, sexy, intellectual and attractive than the rest.
5) A beard can improve your sex life. Not only testosterone secretion increases during sexual encounter which may impact beard growth, but men's beard also make women tickle and experience a different sensual feeling altogether.
6) Not only beard protect your skin frim exposure to UV rays but also prevent the risk if cancer which may occur because of UV rays. The thicker the hair, the better.
7) The beard hair keeps wind and cold air out, helping your skin battle dryness. Also the sebaceous glands help keep your skin moisturized better when you have a beard.
8) When you donot have ingrowths, razor cuts or other skin problems, you have a blemish-free skin.
9) Because of less exposure to sun due to your beard, you can actually continue to look younger unlike the guys who donot go for beards.
10) If you suffer from pollens or dust allergy or even asthma, facial hair actually help by working as a filter and prevent the allergens from settling, thus reduction of asthma and allergy symptoms.

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