Have You Ever Noticed This Stripe Mark On Your Toothpaste? Do You Know What Does It Mean?

A very basic morning need of every dignified citizen of the world is a TOOTHPASTE. These are found in many numbers varying with different companies like Colgate, Pepsodent, Sensodyne etc., wherein each and every paste has its own ingredients and functions over dental issues. The manufacturers of these such toothpastes as said have many ingredients which may be nartural or chemical or semi chemical. These are indicated to the customer in the form of strip marks.

So, have you ever noticed such stripe marks below your toothpaste? If noticed, have you ever wondered what would it define and warn you?

  Let's come check here the actual meaning of blind indication of such stripe marks below your toothpaste. 

1. Green Stripe

The green stripe indicates that the toothpaste is 100% natural made up of naturally available herbs.

2. Blue Stripe

Blue stripe toothpastes are basically the pastes made with the combination of both natural and medical ingredients which are too safe equal to that of green stripe toothpastes.

3. Red Stripes

Red stripe toothpaste are made of like blue stripe toothpastes. But here, natural ingredients are added with the chemicals. Chemicals doesn't mean that they are harmful. There are also many chemicals which help in developing some of your calcium levels in your tooth.

4. Black Stripes

Black strip toothpastes are very dangerous which are made up of 100% of chemicals. These chemicals may either be good or be unhealthy. So better avoid such black stripe toothpastes made of chemicals.

So every time you go for a market and buy a toothpaste, do remember these stripe indications and their actual meaning.

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