Go Green “ for a healthy lifestyle.

I feel there is always minimal choice for a vegetarian , but being a veggie eater not only helps in balancing weight and keeps you happy , you in turn feel very good about your body and it is also a added benefit for our environment and sustainability. Shifting yourself into a vegetable diet , helps you in many ways. There would be no use of cosmetics and vitamin tablet , you will automatically experience a glowing skin and additional stamina. Your each and every cells would rejoice because of the intake of veggies. Not only your health by shifting to healthy diet plan , you could also save many natural resources and by supporting go green process you can reduce impact on climatic conditions.

There is nothing called as a vegetarian diet plan.

Eating vegetables must be converted into your lifestyle. It gives a loads of positive energy rather like chicken biryani giving you tight nap. Be patient do not force your body to adapt to this change. You are stepping into a new lifestyle so give your body a little time. Your body is sacred, do not full unhealthy stuffs in it , filling your body with rotten dead flesh is not right . Give it a rich nutritious healthy food. Being vegan is a proud feeling ,all the heavy and strong animals are veggie eaters. Vegan are generally strong and healthy they are aware of the body capacity and also exercise at the right time. Unlike non veg ,vegetables provides with variety of vitamins and nutrients whereas meat provides with protein and lots of fat. And by eating vegetables , you would be loved by animals. Turning into vegan is not a sacrifice it’s a necessity. So protect your body with a green lifestyle.

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