Eat Jamuns this summer and enjoy these health benefits!

Summers! Although can be a bit tardy and bland, but like any other aspect of life it also comes with many plus points as well. And here, we have the plus points in the form of ‘sweetness’ and ‘juiciness’ and sometimes ‘sour’ as well, I think you understand to what I am hinting at… FRUITS indeed!

One of these fruits that fills the baskets of many fruit lovers are Jamuns, even the name waters your mouth. Widely available in summers, Jamuns are also referred to as the ‘Fruit of Gods’ in our country, the rich taste and juiciness with which it is filled, yummy! No wonder these are called so.

Nevertheless, these fruits which always leave behind a special tinge of purple colour on your tongue aren’t only tasty but healthy as well. By healthy, I don’t mean that it only helps you deal with problems, but also adds new perks to your health as it is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, that additionally helps you combat the stroking sun’s heat in the summers!

Several ways in which they are beneficial are as below:

With being low on calories, they also aid digestion, providing an all round assuage to the digestive system.

When squeezed and smashed, the juice that comes out has additional benefits as well that ranges from minimizing the risk of liver disease and cancer to being used as a natural mouthwash as it eliminates bad breath.

Diabetic patients benefit from these a lot as the extracts of bark, leaves and seeds are used in a combination with herbs to reduce levels of glycosuria and blood sugar.

Also, your gums, while you enjoy savoring it in your mouth, get improved from the pulp as it is also used in treating bleeding gums.

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