Cooking methods that can turn your food toxic and unhealthy!

The way you cook food is just as important as the way you eat it. Did you know that not all methods of cooking are healthy. Certain ways of cooking can also damage the nutrients and proteins in the food thereby creating toxins in your food. 

Here’s a list of methods you should avoid:

1. Simmered

Simmering meat for hours is not a very good idea, simmering for lengthy periods isn’t acceptable as it can denature proteins in meats. That could cause protein cells to mutate and become carcinogenic.

2. Slow cooking

Long and slow cooking break downs the collagen.

3. Burnt or Charred Food

Charring meat will oxidize the fat molecules turning them into agents of inflammation instead. Oxidized fats can disrupt the signaling process of hormones making you insensitive to insulin which results in weight gain. Such toxic methods of cooking also lead to denatured proteins, digestive problems and carcinogenic substances.

4. Deep-fried

Deep-frying is one of the worst ways to cook your food, as it slathers your food in oxidized fats and glycated sugars. The high temperatures used during deep-frying make a number of toxic compounds that might increase the risk of cancer.

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