5 Vagina Facts You need to know!

All of us at some or the other point of life become concerned about our vaginas.Ideally, you'd know it inside and out, but that's not always the case. With that in mind, these are the crucial facts about how your vagina functions, how to keep it healthy, and how to increase the amount of bliss it brings you.

1. It benefits from regular exercise

Just as working your biceps firms up your arms, working your pubococcygeus muscle — a main muscle of your pubic region — can tone up your vag. Here's how to exercise your V: Clamp down as if you're stopping your urine flow, hold for 10 seconds, then release. Do two sets of 10 to 20 reps a day; you'll notice a difference in about a month.

2. It's teeming with bacteria

Nothing to give you a shock— they're the kind that keep bad microorganisms in check so you don't get an infection. One of the good bacteria is lactobacilli, also found in yogurt, so it's nothing to be scared of.

3. It's self-cleaning

It cleans itself with discharge (yep, that stuff has a function). The secretions flush out cells from the vaginal wall, excess water, and bacteria. The only washing it needs is on the outside between the labial folds and along the perineum (use a mild, scent-free soap).

4. Its smell gets stronger during your cycle

Having a slight scent to your vagina is normal, but when the odor becomes strong or unpleasant, or is accompanied with a discharge, it's time to see the doctor.

5. Too much se* - A Big NO!

While regular action can relax you, too much in a short period of time may leave you chafed or with a urinary-tract infection.

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