About a decade ago, good health meant to be able to perform a certain exercises like bench press, running, etc. If you really want to assess your health, then you need to look at your overall health, which would mean mental, emotional and physical health. Here are 5 best fitness tips for good health.

1. Be active daily for mental health

Prolonged periods of inactivity are often a cause of anger, frustration, lethargy and depression. On the other hand, those who are active regularly experience a better mood, feel more energetic, and overall enjoy a better life.

2. Be active daily for physical health

Being active does not necessarily mean doing a 25 km run daily, and nor does it necessarily mean squatting double your bodyweight daily. Even lighter activities like walking, swimming, yoga, playing with kids and friends, cleaning up the house, riding a bicycle, etc. are all examples of being active. For most people, intense activities like weight training, sprinting, etc. should ideally be kept to about 3-5 times a week, and on the other days, lighter activity is recommended.

3. Strength train and lift heavy

Almost every month there seems to some study that comes out with the finding that strength training, including lifting heavy weights has multiple health benefits. Starting from weight management, increased energy levels, better glucose metabolism, etc there are many reasons why you must strength train. You can strength train by using your own bodyweight and lifting barbells, dumbbell, kettle bell, etc.

4. Do cardio

Now cardio does not necessarily mean doing painfully long and slow activities like distance jogging. It can be done in a short time with intense activities like sprinting, circuit training, kickboxing, etc. In fact, the intense options seem to provide better results overall, in terms of cardio fitness, improving body composition, increasing growth hormone production, etc.

5. Maintain healthy bodyweights and body fat levels

The extra fat increases your chances of getting a heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Also, I would like to mention that study shows that extra bodyweight; even in the form of muscle is not necessarily healthy in the long run. Whether muscle or fat, the extra weight has to be carried around by your joints, and at the later age, that can really start telling on your joint health.

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