10 surprising benefits of Lemon water that you must know about

We all know that lemon water is a great refreshing drink. After we come from home from a hot day, or tired from work a glass of lemon water is like holy water. But do you know the other benefits of lemon? Well, lemons are full of nutrients such as Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, and Potassium.

Here are 10 surprising benefits of drinking lemon water.

1. Helps in Digestion

Lemon juice aids in digestion by releasing toxins in your digestive tract. Moreover symptoms such as heartburn and bloating are also cured by it.

2. Freshens Breath

The lemon contains citric acid which is very helpful for relieving toothaches. It helps in freshening your breath. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel so take care to brush your teeth after drinking.

3. Helps in combating viral infections

You didn't know this I hope. Yes, lemon water is very effective in fighting viral infections. It also helps in boosting the immune system which in turn fights off other infections. So choose lemon water over soft drinks.

4. Helps in keeping your skin fairer

Lemon contains antioxidants which help reduce blemishes. To maintain your skin's radiance and keep it fair, lemon water can be applied directly on the affected areas.

5. A good source of potassium

Need more potassium in your body? Then there is no other fruit that can give you that than lemon. Lemons are very high in potassium which is very good for the health of your heart. It is also beneficial for your brain and nervous system.

6. A good Immune system booster

Vitamin C and your immune system are very good buddies. And lemon just provides that in a plentiful way. It boosts your immune system and keeps it healthy. Whenever you're stressed just switch to lemon juice to get energized.

7. Helps in losing weight

This might be a relief for people struggling with being obese. Lemon works wonders for your weight control. It contains pectin fiber which combats cravings of hunger. It will be no surprise that you will look thin in a few weeks.

8. Reduces inflammation

If you have acidity problems, then lemon water might be the option for you. It works great for reducing inflammation by removing uric acid from our body. It keeps your stomach healthy and happy.

9. Caffeine cut off

If you really want to cut off caffeine from your routine then lemon water is great. Many have gained it's astonishing results. You will feel refreshed without the addiction. Moreover, your nerves will be in their best shape.

10. Good for your digestive system

Lemon water is very effective for digestive problems. It aids in cleansing out the toxins by acting as a catalyst for enzyme function. It keeps your liver healthy.

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