Most of us believe that exotic food can lead to an exotic encounter in bed. Wrong! Some of these foods can actually lower your testosterone levels. Read on...
10 foods that kill your sex drive!

Most of us believe that exotic food can lead to an exotic encounter in bed. Wrong! Some of these foods can actually lower your testosterone levels. Read on...
Apart from decreasing your testosterone levels, alcohol also results in excessive bloating of stomach and a feeling of fullness.
Fries produce a lot of sugar which is not good for boosting your testosterone levels and thus should be avoided before love making.
With high fibre content, beans produce 'hard-to-digest' sugar, thus lowering your libido. Since it produces methane gas, it gives a feeling of fullness and thus is not recommended before having sex.
According to a research, insulin, the hormone which is secreted after eating, is linked to low testosterone levels.
The menthol present in the mouth fresheners lowers testosterone levels. It actually cools you down and kills your sex drive.
Since red meat is heavy to digest, it gives a feeling of fullness and a bloated stomach, which is not the perfect situation to be in. Also, the foul smell of spices used can put you in an awkward situation.
Any food containing cheese should be avoided before making love. Cheese is heavy and lingers on for long. So, to avoid a smelly affair while you are in a action, avoid this tempting ingredient.
Even though broccoli is healthy, it contains 'hard-to-digest' sugar and that is why it should be avoided before you plan to get intimate with your partner.
Men, alert! When consumed in high quantities, this is one food that can give men gender-bending nightmares! Also since it is highly processed and not rigorously tested, it might affect your testosterone levels.
The sinful fruit, the reason behind man's fall, should be avoided before your big bang! Since apple has high insulin, it can easily risk your testosterone levels.