Low blood pressure is also called as HYPOTENSION. Some people have natural blood pressure but it doesn’t cause any symptoms. Having low blood pressure may be a sign of danger such as- heart disease or a heart attack may lead to low blood pressure but instead of this there are other symptoms also-

Your body needs nutrients but lack of nutrients in your diet may lead to a severe problems that can stop producing enough red blood cells (anemia). Vitamins like B-12 and folate can cause low blood pressure.

A proper amount of blood in your body may make you look healthy but losing that crucial amount of blood due to some injury or due to internal bleeding may reduce the amount of blood in your body that cause a low blood pressure.

At the time of pregnancy most of the women are likely to lower down their blood pressure because a women’s circulatory system expands rapidly at the time of pregnancy but after pregnancy the blood level comes to normal.

Due to some allergic reactions or infections in the body can lead to itching, hives may even swollen a throat thus causing low blood pressure.

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