Top 5 food myths you probably believe in!

The problem with a world which has gained such an intensified and easy communication is that, with the spreading knowledge, tons of rumors mark their places as well. These rumors sometimes get so strong that eventually people start believing in them, for which we have the adequate word: MYTHS!

Nevertheless, in this article you’ll be busting probably all the major myths regarding your diet and the food you eat. So, sit back and get ready for some eye openers!

1. Myth: Microwaving food destroys nutrients.

Technology has always had this knack of attracting criticism which is generally developed by the sceptics. Same way it is believed that a microwave destroys all the nutrients whenever a food item is heated inside it, which is totally false. Although, what may actually destabilise its nutritional value is the amount of time and heat level that you set. So an appropriate setting will cause no harm at all.

2. Myth: Mentos and Soda = Boom!

Your enlightened mind already knows that these pop-rocks, say, for example, mentos, when mixed with soda create an effect - you know the rest. Well that might be true but this phenomenon attracted a bizarre rumour that suggests that consuming these both junkies at the same time would cause your stomach to explode which is so not true. The worst it’ll cause is a belch! So go on try it if you want to, you dare devil.

3. Myth: Eggs are bad for your heart.

A simple fact that you should know is that a lot of cholesterol may cause certain health problems like heart disease and yeah egg has cholesterol but contrary to the myth eggs are one of the healthiest foods to be consumed out there. And if you are healthy, with no prior health diseases, you can have an egg a day without attracting a doctor in your way!

4. Myth: Acne is caused by chocolate and greasy food like potato-chips, fries, etc.

Facial blemishes are the sad part of life which will come no matter what you do to evade it and sometimes they even pop-up at the worst moments without any warning. The blame game enters suggesting that the cause for this is consumption of a lot of chocolate or greasy food and sometimes even hygiene but all’s wrong! Acne is simply caused by bacteria, excessive oil consumption or clogged pores.

5. Myth: Organic food products are the best for consumption.

Did the earth just shatter beneath you? I understand the feeling. For those who don’t know what organic food is, it’s the food grown without the use of pesticides, fertilisers and the likes. This sort of food does sound better as it doesn’t come with the label of being made up with the help of chemicals but you have to let this sink in – an apple is an apple, no matter how it’s grown!

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