Many people affected by pimples specially teenagers, it will help you to remove your pimple without leaving any mark on face.

Pimples are normal skin that affect many people specially teenagers. It is an inflammation of the skin in which the sebaceous glands become itected with bacteria and fill with pus.


There are many lotions and medicines in the market to treat with pimples. Sometimes it works and sometimes it won't. Many natural methods which can remove pimples simply within 4 to 5 days. One of them is here which I also applied of my face to remove pimples.

Everybody knows about aloe vera. Just take a fresh leaf of aloe vera, wash it properly before use it. Cut it by the side, you will get the jelly inside the leaf.

Wash your face and wait till your dry. After that collect all the jelly of aloe vera in a bowl and apply it on your whole face gently by your fingers tip.

Do this step regular before sleep at night. Leave your face for whole night with jel and wash it when you wake up in the morning. After 4 and 5 days you will see the result of aloe vera.

It has two benefits to do this first, it will help you to remove pimples and second is your skin start glow's more.

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