Your Birthday sucks!!!

Birthday is absolutely no reason to celebrate and party. Yes it is a reason to be happy and some particular Birthdays are worth celebrating but otherwise your birthday is just yet another ordinary day of your life. Celebrating birthday is a trait we learnt from the british and happily adapted it to our daily lifestyles because the idea of being special one for one day of the year and letting other routines casual seems very tempting and self-praising.

It is acceptable when small kids celebrate their birthdays with the kids of the society and the happiness of the parents. Because kids are dumb and impressionable and one day of celebration is important otherwise they develop crazy thoughts right from a small age when they are invited to the party of the other kids nearby. But growing past a certain age lets say 17, it simply looks a terrible display of self-worth and bad attitude towards life when you and your entourage walks around as if the whole town is owned in their pockets and the restaurant will simply tolerate to any behaviours  of their.

Sometimes if you simply ask this question to yourself:

Why is it necessary to host a birthday dinner?

Why do I need to celebrate?

Have I done something special?

Is my existence an accomplishment in itself?

Did I just win life by coming out of my mother womb?

You would be dumb fu***d to the extent you never imagined and come to realize you could have rather invested that money and time in something more fruitful which might actually help you in the future. The most annoying part is when in under the burden of an everyday life and under the burden of a hell lot of other things you forget the birthday of one of your friend and suddenly under his/her eyes you have committed a great sin towards the bond of friendship. Or those people who expect a surprise part and even put up a surprise smug look on their faces despite knowing the fact that his/her birthday is openly visible on facebook and a considerable time of the day writing thank you messages and returning phone calls with totally fake emotions which seem real on that day. The only reason birthday is so overly rated in the youth of today is because for the group it means a day of party and wearing fab clothes and free dinner and alcohol and oh yes most of all a group selfie. The birthday party of a single member in a group of friends is the birthday party of the whole group itself and larger the group the more number of times a birthday event comes in a Year.

I think on your birthday you should commit more to your work and at the end of the day spend a little time with your exclusive and close friend which are not more than 2 usually and have a long intimate chat over the thought of a good life under the night sky and endless road. That’s all. Yes if you love someone dearly and you want him/her to have a blast then organize someone’s birthday but let your own be ordinary.


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