You are developing!

Everyone is developing every second. Some develop quickly while some take a long time, but that does not means that the process of development is not going inside them. There is no age for development, you develop something or another every day, every night, in fact every second. It is a process of gradual growth. Unstoppable. Recurring. Constant. Every person develops in a different way, a different sense, different field. Hence, there stays no point of competition with others in this process of growth. No use of getting sad over seeing someone else's development. You are still in the process, its slow but its continuous. Maybe you are developing in a different field. Remind yourself that it maybe a long journey, but it is taking you to a beautiful destination. Remember, you are not where you wanted to be but you have crossed a long distance from where you were a few time ago and all you wanted was this. You came here, you will reach there too. Relax, but struggle to get what you want. Be thankful for what you have because the more you are thankful, the more you attract things to be thankful for. And most of all respect the things that happen in your life, even the little ones because when you will reach the end, you will realize it was never random.

I am an idealist , I know I am going somewhere worth the wait .

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