Why do good people die early? Often in our life, we see the situations in which people who are good to others and always think of benefiting others die early. I personally felt it very relatable. And always wanted an answer for it. Though with time, I came up with an explanation that is very much suitable. The answer according to me is, God has written the fate of each and every person. The number of good deeds, the number of bad deeds, the number of heartbreaks we face and so on. And the good people, well they exceed the number of good deeds they do. In a very rare situations maybe when they are stuck in the worst states of their life or by mistake they commit some bad deeds. And they suffer heartbreaks beyond repair. The heart which was once a single piece gets broken into uncountable little pieces. Shattered. Broken. Yet they smile. Yet they help. Yet they care. Yet they love. Thats what makes the God feel sad and God even can not bear to see them suffer more. And to ease their pain, he brings them to his own home. Maybe, it isn't true completely. Maybe. it isn't true even partially. but this explanation feeds all my questions.
Why do good people die early?