Can you imagine if all your emotions and feelings were to be sketched into people what would they look like? What would anger look like and if it was in a room which would depict the cause of it, what would the room look like. What colours would you paint for a sky which is a canopy to a character resembling your pain and sadness? Then of course the feelings of love and sex embellish its own shades of red (and not grey). Not only simple feelings like this but you can always imagine and choose to draw everyday situations you come across like say you had a crush or witnessed something beautiful. Ok drawing is for really talented specimens but if not drawing you can always choose to put it up in words what you imagine. It is all the purpose of art. To confront the ultimate truth and a consequence of what the universe tries to communicate with us. Every scenery might look beautiful but it is the magical stroke of an artist’s brush who alters a little details and captures the minute fraction of frame of what he say because he wants to confront the beauty and keep it forever.
If you look at Vincent Van Goghs “starry night” or “starry night over Rhone” or even the “road with cypruss and the star” (which are depictions of real places the artist walked around) and then see the real place which inspired the painting you will tend to see it just like the way Van Gogh saw it. And if you went those places in real, you would find it was just as ordinary and minimal as any other palace but still beautiful. Now just imagine if those places gave such mesmerizing visions to an artist of Van Gogh's brilliance imagine how crazy would he go if he got to witness an Indian Urban street light up beautifully on a Diwali night. The same goes around with movies. The camera work is intended to show you locations and characters from a perspective you could never think of seeing yourself and the new perspective totally changes the feeling and meaning derived from it. If you visit the sidewalk which overlooks the Manhattan bridge, it would be a simply sidewalk and the most you will notice that it is clean and a marvel of architectural creation. But if you watch the bridge scene from the movie “Manhattan” (which depicts the same location) you might want to take a seat and engage in a silent meditation embracing the beauty that your eyes are witnessing.
That is why artists are so damn important for the world and a nation. It is in the perception and reflective skills of an artist which compel people of other nationalities and regions to believe in love and beauty.