Getting old is inevitable in everyone’s life. People who got old do not mean they should be confined to some room like the old stuff do.

Older people feels deserted in our houses though a lot of people surround them, it is because no one finds some time in talking to them. Most of the old people lock up themselves in a room watching TV always. Everyone feels that old people bore them up with their old talk. But if you talk to them you can find their great experiences which will be very much useful to your lives. We all read the auto-biographies and biographies of great people to improve our lives learning their experiences but we ignore that there are people around us whose lives are closer to our lives welcomes us to explain their journey. Their words are not just words spoken by some imagination they are out of experience embodied with great wisdom. They serve their complete life for us and when it is our turn to serve them we just ignore their presence.

People are not to be used they are to be loved especially parents and grand parents. You owe them a lot at least clear a bit with your love.

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