Yes we are far much luckier than our forefathers were be it social, political, economic, medical, educational or any field of human activity. The quality of life today is far more superior to what our forefathers could have ever imagined.

Socially we have Twitter, Facebook, Whats app and many more applications which connect each and everybody socially and is easier to communicate with whom so ever we want to talk sitting at our homes only. Politically our forefathers suffered under the yoke of autocratic rulers with restriction on their human rights. We are today more fortunate in living in a democratic setup where there is respect for human dignity and labour. Each one of us has some basic fundamental rights which are guaranteed by the constitution of the country and on social grounds, there is no caste or creed barrier, which made lives of socially backward people of yore worse than animals.

In field of science and technology, we have progressed by leaps and bounds. Our forefathers would have found it difficult to imagine that simple things like rockets and aeroplanes would ever be possible one day. We can today travel from one end of the globe to the other end in a couple of hours, thanks to jet supersonic engines. Even on land transport is faster and comfortable due to various modes like cars, scooters, trains etc. we can update ourselves on the latest news through television, radio, satellite phones or through internet. Computers have made our lives far more richer and comfortable. The new millennium would see more advancement in the field of information.

We are today more knowledgeable about the universe and have explored far of planets like moon and mars a feat which our forefathers could never have visualized. We can predict natural calamities through satellite imagery and also exploit our natural mineral resources through remote sensing satellites. We have eradicated the scourge of plague, smallpox and other dreadful diseases. The average life expectancy today is much more than our forefathers, thanks to the spectacular advancement made in medical sciences and health care. Our children have more avenues for good education, through well-equipped schools, colleges, universities and can aspire for lucrative careers within the country and even abroad.

Our forefathers were thus less fortunate than us and we must consider ourselves lucky to have been born in the 21st century. It is therefore, our moral obligation, to ensure that our children too reap the rewards and enjoy a better life than we do.

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